Aquaclean geberit

Aquaclean geberit

Choose From A Variety Of Styles. Stylish Extras For Your Bathroom. Research and development Shower toilet technology How it works. Exceptionally brilliant. Surprisingly versatile.

From the elegant, exceptional complete solution with numerous comfort functions to the flexible enhancement solution, the right shower toilet can be found for virtually every requirement. Do you like things to be special? These hotels allow you to enjoy that pleasant and unique feeling. The Comfort model is suitable for all those who value a balanced price-performance ratio.

Functions such as the WhirlSpray, heated seat, odour extraction unit or the warm air dryer transform every visit to the bathroom into a wellness experience. You can find the right model to suit any living environment. In order to offer you optimal service, this website uses cookies. By using our website, you express your consent to this feature. The Mera is suitable for everyone who wants to pamper themselves with an additional helping of wellness.

Aquaclean geberit

Sie lieben das Besondere? Finding spare parts could not be simpler. Simply scan the barcode on the product box, and all the information you need will appear. Use our flush plate scanner to identify which spare parts you require. An excellent way to maximise noise.

Geberit Pro – the app for sanitary professionals. From the ceramics, furniture or the flush plate in front of the wall, to the cisterns and frames behind it. Find the right product for you.

Aquaclean geberit

It pulls all the strands of its previous showering toilets together into this one masterpiece providing an all-in-one solution for anyone needing this type of toilet. Its key features make for a long list but the top of the list is its warm water oscillating spray. The WhirlSpray shower technology provides a thorough, gentle and economical clean with a quick and continuous supply of warm. A range of plain and printed fabrics for the most demanding and sophisticated of tastes.

Aquaclean has become a benchmark in the world of interior design and decoration nationally and internationally. But Did You Check eBay? Their innovative design gives you confidence and independence in the bathroom through the use of innovative design features. You’ll feel cleaner and fresher with a comfortable, convenient and hygienic bathroom experience. The innovative design has already won multiple international awards.

Aquaclean geberit

Harnessing all the powers of wireless technology, advances in technology and combining them into a sleek, modern style, this is a triumph. By using fully controlled water jets, drying technology and an array of features molded around user comfort, this WC unit effectively combines the toilet and bidet into a. Od elegantnog, kompletnog WC rešenja sa mnogobrojnim funkcijama, sve do fleksibilnog rešenja u vidu tuš WC daske, odgovarajući tuš WC može se pronaći za gotovo svaki zahtev i svaku stambenu situaciju. It cleans, refreshes and brings a feeling of wellbeing. In many cultures, it has long been natural to clean oneself with water after using the toilet. And in the UK, more and more people are being won over by gentle, natural toilet hygiene that uses water instead of paper.

Whether you are washing your hands, taking a shower or enjoying a bath, water leaves you with an unparalleled feeling of freshness and cleanliness. Includes lateral control panel, remote control and touchless wall control panel. Oscillating cleaning arm, separate lady shower nozzle, warm air drying. Programmable for 4x user profiles.

Not only does it wash you, but it also has a dryer and in some cases a massage shower and remote control.


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