Stiebel eltron snu 5 si

Our website is optimized for the use of cookies. Small water heaters are powerful and compact DHW appliances, representing an unobtrusive constant source of hot water. These point of use water heaters eliminate long runs of pipework for isolated sinks and reduce the waiting time for hot water to arrive at the outlet.

Made in Germany the STIEBEL ELTRON SNU and SNU under sink open vented water heaters deliver hot water quickly to a single sink. With STIEBEL ELTRON , you have access to the cleanest and most crisis-proof energy supplier in the world: Mother Nature. Operating and Installation Manuals.
Highly efficient systems are now capable of utilising renewables all year round. These include ground and air source heat pumps, ventilation systems with heat recovery and solar heating systems that yield energy from the environment and utilise it for DHW and central heating. Alternativy k STIEBEL ELTRON SNU SLi Porovnat s STIEBEL ELTRON SNU SLi -. Stiebel Eltron - SNU S. Excellent thermal insulation combines with high grade technical equipment to provide energy savings. Die Einsatzbereiche der Kleinspeicher sind vielfältig.

Ob in der Küche unter der Spüle oder über dem Waschbecken im Putzraum. Die Geräte bieten für alle Fälle die richtige Lösung. Der Kleinspeicher SNU SL ist ein Untertischgerät zur Warmwasserspeicherung. Das Video gibt Tipps und Tricks für die Installation des STIEBEL ELTRON Warmwasserspeichers SNU 5. Je vybaven jak funkcí Antitropf, která brání kapání expandované vody z baterie, tak i funkcí Termostop pro zamezení nežádoucího ohřevu temperovací armatury.
Somos un grupo que opera a nivel internacional y uno de los líderes mundiales en el mercado y la tecnología, en los campos Tecnología doméstica y Energía renovable. Plate Sticker STE SNU SL: £0. Knob Button Assembly: £3.
Free delivery and returns on all eligible orders. Whether in the kitchen under the sink or above the basin in your laundry room, these devices offer the right solution for every case. Exkluzív soft-line design Antitropf (csepegés-mentes) funkció révén a maximális kényelem és higiénia Thermo-stop funkció, amely megakadályozza az energiapazarlást A terméket az. These include heat pumps, ventilation systems with heat recovery and solar heating systems that yield energy from the environment and utilise it for DHW and central heating. SNU 5Si , SN 5Si , SNU Si , SN Si , SN Si , SN 15S.
Stand by Betrieb beim SNU SL antitropf-comfort, SNU SL comfort und UFP t. Malý beztlakový zásobník pro rychlý ohřev vody pod umyvadlo. Nedeľné objednávky doručíme už dnes alebo v pondelok (Ako si vyberiete:). Další informace si můžete prohlédnout v souboru po kliknutí zde. SNU SLI 2kw Open Vented Small Water Heater 421mm High 263mm Wide 230mm Depth - Customer Reviews Overall Score: out of based on reviews.
Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale. SNU 5S: anti-drip function The anti-drip function prevents the tap dripping during heat-up. A specially designed reservoir with an expansion membrane was built into the cylinder for this purpose. The SNE is equipped with an electronic control unit and ensures convenient and efficient water heating.
The water temperature can be adjusted precisely from 35°C-85°C on the user interface LCD. A power saving ECO function can be enabled at the press of a button. A hygiene circuit for pasteurisation is also integrated. HDB-E Si series electronic-controlled instantaneous water heater can be used in a wide range of locations and provide hot water supply to different areas in a house simultaneously, like kitchen and bathroom. It is also suitable for both soft water and hard water.
In winter, an appropriate hot water temperature can be guaranteed through the auto adjustment of the built-in flow limiter. Bojler – tlakový, po pripojení na zmiešavaciu batériu ho možno použiť aj ako beztlakové zariadenie, objem 5l, rozmer 396×256×260m.