Wilo stratos

The successful era of the Stratos series will continue with the Stratos MAXO’s new pump technology. Glandless circulator with threaded connection. For use in Hot water heating, cooling and industrial water circulation systems. In addition, its outstanding user-friendliness makes operation easier than ever before. Risk of injury and damage to property!

Wilo stratos

Non-approved fluids can damage the pump and also cause injury. But Did You Check eBay? STEINEN Oil Fired Boiler Burner Nozzle, 0. It is commonly used in heating, hot water, air conditioning, cooling and industrial circulation applications. The range features an automatic controller, LCD display and various options for connections to management systems. Application Application JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser.

Free delivery for many products! Hot-water heating systems of all kinds, closed cooling circuits, industrial circulation systems, circulation in solar thermal and geothermal systems. The user can suffer (serious) injuries.

Wilo-Stratos PICO-Z - Wechsel in den temperaturgesteuerten Modus - Duration: 1:03. Wilo Polska Recommended for you. Suitable for hot-water heating systems of all kinds, airconditioning systems, closed cooling circuits,industrial circulation systems. Randstad Forklift Training - Duration: 1:00:47. Products meeting the search criteria.

EC-motor with automatic power adjustment and self-protecting modes. Operation by Red Knob technology and delivered with power cable. Highest Quality Gear for Great Outdoors.

Search in product descriptions. The durable and hygienic material sets it apart from other domestic hot water circulators on the market. Working on DotPress CMS version:3.

You can pay upwards of £1for this pump, this is an end of line item and as such is priced to sell. This process may take some time to complete. These include universities and colleges, schools, office blocks, hotels.

Wilo stratos

All prices include delivery. Sort By: Show: Download all. Buy in Ukraine, shipping around the world. The Stratos MAXO is the world’s first true smart-pump. We also supply new, refurbished or service exchange.

Stratos MAXO Design Smart glandless circulator with screwed connection or flange connection, EC motor with integrated electronic power adjustment. Item condition: New, original packing. Our commercial department is at your disposal to give you the valid technical documents.

Wilo stratos

This pump sets new standards in system efficiency and user-friendliness and once again demonstrates Wilo’s leadership in innovation. Multiple control modules available. In line, flanged wet rotor circulator with EC motor and automatic capacity adjustment.

IR Device and Control Modules - Stratos Z Item Description Article Number Approx. No matter for which purpose an efficient and energy saving pump solution is require Grundfos offers a high-quality solution. Use our product finder tool to find the right pump for your solution.


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