Zehnder yucca

Zehnder yucca

Large towels can be conveniently hung from one side. The decorative radiator is also suitable as a room divider. Accessible from both sides, the symmetrical arrangement of the round tubes is ideal for hanging towels, bathrobes and other items of clothing.

Zehnder yucca

This radiator features a small depth and sophisticated appearance. Zehnder Yucca , the original palm-inspired design. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser.

The best quality in both design and function. Inverurie Business Park, Oldmeldrum Rd. Williams Place, Marlborough Park, Southdown Road. Designer Bathrooms by Michael.

The Studio, Cartland R Kings Heath. Junction Interiors Ltd. Wolverhampton Road , Oldbury. They are perfectly attuned to the relevant environment. Clear Brand Filter By Type.

Log-in and Add To Wishlist Add to Compare (up to items) Zeh. This steel towel-drying radiator is stylish and modern with three equidistant left and right horizontal mm diameter tubes, which jut out from the vertical 30mm diameter collectors. The Yucca Sym radiator is suitable for installation on the central heating system, for use with an immersion heater for summer heating. They blend perfectly into the current lifestyles like the country house ambience, minimalistic purism, classic style or colorful modern trends. These radiators were far lighter than the traditional cast iron radiators which were used worldwide at the time, and gave.

Zehnder yucca

Availability: Availability. Towels can be conveniently hung up and heated. Also available with tubes located on the left- or right-hand side. Practical design with horizontal rails extending either side of two central columns. Double Tube option also available.

ZEHNDER Yucca Asym Towel Rail. Díky tomu lze také velké ručníky nasouvat pohodlně z jedné strany. Tento designový radiátor je vhodný také v provedení pro rozdělení prostoru. Téměř ve všech barvách a povrchových úpravách dle přehledu barev Zehnder. The discreet decorative radiator can be mounted to the wall or installed as a room divider.

It spreads heat in bathroom and also keeps your towels warm always. This is available on unbeatablebathrooms. Visit our showrooms to discuss the full range with our experienced staff. Ze stran otevřené symetrické uspořádání kulatých trubek je ideální k zavěšení ručníků, županů a jiných částí oděvu.

Radiátor se vyznačuje malou stavební hloubkou a jemným vzhledem. K dostání téměř ve všech barvách a povrchových úpravách dle přehledu barev Zehnder.


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