Dirtmag caleffi

Dirt separator with magnet. Female connections and Ø and Ø mm with compression ends. Adjustable for horizontal and vertical pipes. Drain cock with hose connection. Temperature range: 0–90°C.

Dirtmag caleffi

Top connection with plug. Particle separation rating down to μm. Free delivery on eligible orders of £or more. Construction details Low head losses and performance maintained ov. NPT top thread with plug.

SELF CLEANING , EASY SERVICING A unique self-cleaning function allows installers to drain debris from the system without opening the filter body and the full bore isolation valves ensure ease of servicing. New Dirtmag IQ is the smart choice when it comes to efficient dirt and air separation from your heating or cooling system - with no need for isolation when servicing. Installing Dirtmag IQ helps reduce energy consumption costs as well as system wear and tear to preserve and prolong the life of pumps and boilers. The DirtMag IQ separator chamber is manufactured from glass fibre reinforced. Manufacturer of high-quality components for heating, plumbing, air conditioning, heat metering and renewables systems, for domestic and industrial plants.

Dirtmag caleffi

The Dirtmag offers unique features and advantages in your hydronic boiler or geothermal installations. Even the smallest of particles pose a long term risk to the health and effectiveness of these systems. Follow us on social media. Caleffi dirt removal sep - Duration: 2:58. In heating and air conditioning control systems, the circulation ofwater containing impurities may result in rapid wear and damageto components such as pumps and control valves.

It also causesblockages in heat exchangers, heating elements and pipes, resulting inlower thermal efficiency within the system. Discal Air Separator Eliminate dissolved oxygen and other gasses within hydronic systems tha can cause excessive corrosion and sediment formation. As fluid enters the separator, the impurities are attracted to and captured by a concentrated magnetic field created by a stack of powerful neodymium rare-earth magnets housed inside a brass sleeve located beneath the flow stream.

Dirtmag caleffi

Composite PA66Gbody. Can be rotated for installation to either vertical or horizontal pipes while maintaining the same operating performance. Contact us directly from our website for design of radiant heating systems and supply of products and equipment. We work with architects, contractors, and do it yourself home owners.

Properties The dirt separator separates off the impurities, which are mainly made up of sand and rust particles, circulating within the system closed circuits. The impurities are collected in a large collection chamber, that requires low frequency cleaning procedures, from which they can be removed even while the system is in operation. LEAD LAW WARNING: It is illegal to install products that are not lead free in accordance with US Federal or other applicable law in potable water systems anticipated for human consumption. Flanged connections PN 16. Shop CALEFFI MAGNETIC HEATING FILTER (22mm DIRTMAG ). The air discharge capacity is very high, removing all the air present in the system down to microbubble level.

Skip to navigation Skip to content. Shipping Notice: Orders placed between Monday And Friday before 16:will be dispatched the s. The company initially manufactured brass and steel fittings and accessories for other valve manufacturers. Very quickly, however, thanks to a strong.



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