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Thanks to low emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxide (NO X), VICTRIX ZEUS belongs to class the most environmentally-friendly class established by the European standards (UNI EN 2e 483). Moreover, thanks to the self-adaptable modulating pump, it is possible to optimize the efficiency and reduce the running costs on the systems supplied with zone. Available for ZEUS kW, ZEUS SUPERIOR kW, VICTRIX ZEUS SUPERIOR ErP, VICTRIX ZEUS and AVIO ECO 24. Instructions and warning book Clock kit for Recirculation Code 3. Allows at the boiler to functioning at a variable temperature according to the climatic conditions. The 60-liter stainless steel storage tank guarantees a great production of domestic hot water , making Zeus Superior kW the ideal solution in those installation systems where several domestic hot water withdrawals are required at the same time.

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