Wilo stratos pico
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Wilo-Stratos PICO delivers maximum energy efficiency. Intuitive operation and maintenance, supported by symbols on the LCD screen, as well as automatic protection features offer a high degree of operating comfort. Stratos Pico also consumes only half as much energy as demanded according to the standards of energy efficiency class A. Wilo Stratos Pico is equipped with the latest 4-watt technology. Die alte Pumpe konnte wg. Der Austausch erwies sich als schwierig, da das Gewinde.
WILO-Stratos PICO sú mokrobežné obehové čerpadlá pre vykurovacie systémy s najnovším elektronicky komutovaným motorom (EC) s integrovanou plynulou reguláciou otáčok v závislosti na diferenčnom tlaku vo vykurovacej sústave. Pri uzatváraní vykurovacieho systému (termostatické hlavice, servopohony či elektrotermickej pohony ai) dochádza k znižovaniu otáčok čerpadiel a. Unsubscribe from SHK-TV? Suitable for all hot water systems, air conditioning applications, and industrial applications.
The CORRECT Way To Fix. It is a glandless high-efficiency circulation pump with threaded connection. All hot water heating systems, air-conditioning applications, industrial circulation systems.
Words to filter. To search the whole site use the filter at t. Filters are for this page only. Applications include: all hot water heating systems, air-conditioning applications, industrial circulation systems.

Free delivery on eligible orders of £or more. Availability: In stock. Maximale Effizienz und höchster Bedienkomfort. Pumps UK Online are distributors of Wilo Pumps. If you do not see the pump you require below then please get in touch and we can help.
Wilo - Stratos PICO plus delivers maximum energy efficiency. Glandless circulation pump with threaded connection, blocking-current proof EC motor and integrated electronic performance control. Wilo Group - Wilo-Yonos PICO - Commissioning - Service videos - Duration: 3:31. A Wilo gyár Stratos - PICO sorozatú szivattyúi, nagy hatásfokú, energiatakarékos, elektronikusan szabályozott fordulatú nedvestengelyű szivattyúk.

Beépítési hosszak: 1mm és 1mm. Image shown for illustration purposes only. Description Specification Product Description. A pump for hot water heating systems, air conditioning applicati. High energy performance is achieved through the proven EC motor technology and precise setting by 0.