
Zilmet The international leader in the production of top quality pressure tanks, expansion vessels and plate heat exchangers. Our products are renowned worldwide thanks to an impressive number of manufacturing plants, branches and trustworthy distributors. We strive to give you the best, because this is what you deserve. Tanks - Products from Zilmet UK.


WATER-PRO - electric pumps and water heaters. Their products are known for their high quality and excellent performance. The wide range available, the vertical and horizontal version, the galvanised and stainless steel connection flange makes Zilmet pressure tanks suitable for any application.

HYDRO-PRO electric pumps, anti-water hammer and water heaters Features. HYDRO-PRO is of compact design together with a seamless diaphragm that never stretches or creases. Zilmet is one of the oldest and largest expansion tank manufacturer in the world. Zilmet expansion vessels: the most reliable solution for all your needs. Zilmet is an international manufacturer of quality expansion vessels, pressure tanks and plate heat exchangers with several branches and worldwide distribution.

Great Prices On Zilmet Ultra-pro. But Did You Check eBay? Find Zilmet Ultra-pro On eBay. Zilmet ’s external sales force has also been challenged to find the ‘greenest’ routes when visiting clients.

Dedication has been shown at the firm’s Hixon headquarters too, with staff recycling everything but food waste, reducing print output and turning off computer monitors at lunchtime. EASY-PRO tanks are equipped with high quality seamless chlorbutyl diaphragms to assure both long life and safety. The diaphragm never stretches or creases, the corrosion and bacteria resistant plastic dome ensures water purity and the tank has no corners in which sediment can be trapped.


The vessel is equipped with a special solar membrane designed as a diaphragm, which separates the gas from the solar fluid. Ugo Benettolo its core business was manufacturing transformation of ferrous metals. After a move to Padova, Zilmet started manufacturing expansion tanks as well as plate heat exchangers. Zilmet can be found worldwide with branches in France, Italy, Germany, England and the USA.

The wide range of vessels (shapes, capacity, connection and attachment systems) of the OEM-PRO system makes it easy to match the specific requirements of boiler manufacturers. The range includes high quality and compact expansion vessels for the sanitary circuits of boilers. The VSG vessel provides a method of heat dissipation above the expansion vessel, protecting the membrane from excessive temperatures. The correctly sized additional tank also allows a decrease in the temperature of the solar liquid in the expansion system.


Zilmet LV Vertical Ultra-Pro Expansion Tank - pressure vessels designed to provide a storage facility and pressure reservoir for water at temperatures up to 99ºC. Common uses are in water booster sets. Maximum life for the membrane itself is assured as it cannot bend or rub against the plate and is fixed to both ends of the tank. An as the membrane can be replaced. Zilmet may be available in the countries listed below.

Ingredient matches for Zilmet Gliclazide. Order Zilmet at Wolseley. Shop online for FREE delivery and collection nationwide. In order to maintain its position as a leading supplier in the thermo-hydraulic market, the company focuses on the research and development of new products, together with devising original, innovative tailor-made solutions for its customers. All Zilmet products carry the appropriate certification for use in UK and European markets.

So, with a wide portfolio of products, you should be able to find a product to match your particular project. Zilmet Ultra Pro is suitable for any modern installation and can be applied to any type of irrigation pump, centrifugal pump, and booster seats. Made in Italy and Comes in Blue and Red Colour.

The food grade membrane is replaceable. Zilmet Ultra Pro Litre Potable Expansion Vessel This Zilmet Litre Vessel is preset at 3bar and has a maximum pressure capacity of 10bar. This Zilmet Expansion vessel is commonly used in conjunction with Unvented Hot water cylinders including: Flomaster, Albion, Range for example.

View reviews (11) Share this Product: Rating Breakdown reviews. Suitable for heating and cooling systems using water treated with corrosion inhibitor only. Not suitable for potable water. View all: Reflex Expansion Vessels.

Expansion Vessels (products) An expansion tank also known as expansion vessel is used to protect closed water heating systems and domestic hot water systems from excessive pressure. As the water heats up the pressure can increase by 4.


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