Pe 1000 cena

Pe 1000 cena

Various grades of UHMWPE are available from stock and for immediate despatch. Free UK mainland shipping on all orders over £when purchased online. PE 10je velice vhodný na dopravníky, transportéry, ochranné lišty a kluzná ložiska.

Pe 1000 cena

Jeho nejdůležitější vlastnosti jsou vynikající chemická odolnost, velmi nízká absorpce vody a samozřejmě dobrá obrobitelnost. POLIPOLEN PE (POLYETHYLENE) is maintained from coke oven gas or from natural gas or from Ethene or Ethane which is produced by cracking of petroleum. Polyethylenes with molecular weight higher than million gr/mol. Monomer, is polymerized by low pressure or high pressure method. Technické plasty a výrobky z nich si môžete objednať od firmy TechPlasty.

Materiály v rovnakej skupine od rôznych výrobcov nie sú vždy priamo zameniteľné, pretože nemusia mať všetky technické parametre úplne zhodné. Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene is known as UHMWPE for short or PE10due to its molecular weight. UHMWPE has outstanding abrasion resistance, non sticking, excellent mechanical properties and superior impact strength, even at temperatures below -200°C.

Pe 1000 cena

These excellent properties means UHMWPE is used for food and beverage machinery, bulk material handling, chemical and mining. Semi-finished products. ORBILAN Delivery programm. The residue materials from our own manufacturing process are separated by type and used as raw materials for the manufacturing of reprocessed pressed sheets. This material offers a viable alternative to high-quality pro.

PE 10is less rigid and has a higher shock resistance than the low molecular weight polyethylene and it is therefore more suitable for applications.


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