Grundfos sq 2 55

The pump features soft starting and protection against dry-running, upthrust, overvoltage, undervoltage, overload and overtemperature. The motor is a single-phase motor of the permanent magnet rotor type ensuring optimum efficiency within a wide load range. At Grundfos we use cookies to remember your choices, and to improve your experience on the Grundfos websites. Shop Submersible Pump Grundfos SQ 2-55. Free delivery on eligible orders of £or more.

The SQ pump is fitted with a single-phase 0. If you require any further information about this borehole pump, please contact Water-Pumps UK. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Kaevukeskus pakub teile ka terviklahendust ideest teostuseni.
Meie eksperdid aitavad teil valida just teile sobilikud tooted ning soovikorral tulevad kohale ja paigaldavad soetatud seadmed kasutades professionaalseid tööriistu ning oma pikaajalist kogemust. A mere 3” in diameter, the long, lean pump fits nicely into small boreholes of the same size – or in 4” boreholes that over time have become smaller due to ochre deposits. Trusted UK Seller of Pumps. Official Grundfos Stockist. W Hz Directly current 5. IPF water ° C ° C density 4. Clean Cable is the electrical cable certified for potable water.
Neoprene H07RN-F cable is a heavy-duty use flexible rubber insulated Neoprene jacketed electrical cable. Pompa Submersible Grundfos SQ 2-55. SQ - este o pompa submersibila multietajata de care a fost proiectata pentru alimenatrea cu apa menajera, irigatii, transferul de lichide in rezervoare si aplicatii din domeniul protectiei mediului. With a wide range of performance parameters, you’re sure to find a model that will suit your individual requirements.
GRUNDFOS SQ 2-designed for domestic water supply, liquid transfer in tanks, irrigation and environmental applications. Nasosy Skvazhinnye 714. A Grundfos SQ 2-búvárszivattyú beépített szárazonfutás elleni védelemmel, valamint túlfeszültség elleni védelemmel egyaránt rendelkezik. Ideálisan vezérelhető a Grundfos PMáramláskapcsolóval. Built-in motor frequency converter gives high performance in a small package.
Long and lean, this multistage pump is constructed of corrosion-resistant stainless steel, ensuring a long, reliable life. Pumpe za vodu Grundfos SQ 2-namijenjene su za sustave vodoopskrbe u kućanstvima. Kompaktne potopne pumpe za vodu koje su vrlo jednostavne za montažu i upravljanje.
Pumpe dolaze s motorom s permanentnim magnetom, što ih čini visoko učinkovitima. Jual Beli Grundfos SQ 2-Dengan Harga Rp. Cari product Centrifugal Pumps lainnya hanya di Ralali. Dosing Pumps DDI22 DME DME DME(DME and DME 150) and DME(DME 3and DME 940).
Featuring an innovative motor design incorporating high efficiency permanent-magnet technology, these pumps deliver unmatched performance coupled with built in motor protection, soft start and dry run protection. Frostsicher in den Brunnen eingebaut, verursacht die Unterwasserpumpe SQ keine störenden Betriebsgeräusche und als Stromversorgung genügt ein normaler Wechselstromanschluß mit 2V, Hz. Alle wasserberührten Teile der Pumpe sind aus rostfreien Werkstoffen gefertigt, die für eine lange Lebensdauer sorgen, und die die Qualität des Wassers nicht beeinflussen. Dodáváme čerpadla pro otopné soustavy, systémy klimatizací, zvyšování tlaku kapalin a další.
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