Immergas zeus 24 kw

The liters stainless steel storage tank guarantees a massive production of domestic hot water, making Zeus kW the ideal solution in those installation systems where several domestic hot water withdrawals are required at the same time. Available for ZEUS kW , ZEUS SUPERIOR kW , VICTRIX ZEUS SUPERIOR ErP, VICTRIX ZEUS and AVIO ECO 24. ZEUS kW Boiler pdf manual download.

Instructions and warning book Recirculation kit for VICTRIX Zeus Code 3. Felhasználóbarát elektronikájának köszönhetően egyszerűen üzemeltethető, az állapotjelző ábrák könnyen értelmezhetők.

Nominal heat output: 2kW DHW and 2kW central heating. The capacity of the liters stainless steel storage tank combined with the great thermoregulation allows the best in terms of domestic hot water performances. It is therefore an ideal solution when several withdrawals of domestic hot water are needed at the same time. Great Prices On immergas zeus. But Did You Check eBay?

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Million Shoppers Want to Buy. Start Making Money Today. Heat output is controlled by a modulating gas valve, with fully automatic direct burner ignition. Shop Everything you Need on eBay!

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Certified to be installed indoor as well as outdoor in partially sheltered places thanks to the IPX5D electric protection, the boiler is supplied with a -5°C anti-freeze kit as standard. Турбированный навесной газовый котел со встроенным бойлером ГВС на литров. Бойлер изготовлен из пищевой. Tento kotel je určený pro vytápění a výrobu TUV. A VICTRIX Zeus Superior ErP kazánok kompakt hidraulikai egysége kis szervizigényű és már bar fűtési rendszernyomással is működik.

W teljesítménnyel tárolós rendszerben használati melegvizet előállítani. Be the first to write a review. Nagy múltú szakboltunkban képzett eladók, szakszerű tanácsadás és segítőkész légkör várja. Le caldaie a camera aperta e tiraggio naturale con bruciatore ecologico possono essere impiegate in caso di sola sostituzione di generatori obsoleti.

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The Victrix Zeus Superior kW boiler has been desi- gned uniquely for wall-installation, for the central heating of rooms for domestic use and similar. The wall surface must be smooth, without any pro- trusions or recesses enabling access to the rear part. Nyíregyházán listaár: 458.


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