
It incorporates a macerating system which can handle human waste and toilet paper in residential applications. It takes waste water from a WC, wash basin and shower and its extra slim dimensions mean it is ideal for use with fitted bathroom units. Designed to be concealed from view, where back-to-wall-hung sanitaryware is required. Perfect for helping to build additional bathroom and kitchens in your home without alot of building work. They work by breaking up waste using a fast rotating blade which changes the waste into a fluid which in turn is then pumped and discharged through the drainage.


Free UK Delivery on Eligible Orders! Perfect solution for complete shower room installation and offers a modern, sleek finish. Waste can be pumped up to five metres vertically, and 1metres horizontally, making it the perfect solution for bathrooms in nearly any situation.

It allows connection to a WC, basin, bidet and shower. An ideal choice for a modern, sleek finish. The SaniFlo SaniPack is a macerator device which is meant to be installed inside a wall cavity.


It can handle the effluent from a toilet, sink and shower. The perfect solution for a complete shower room installation and it offers a modern, sleek finish. You are no longer limited to locations where downhill drainage or gravity evacuates waste. We are still taking orders online, however, due to the Covid-outbreak, it may take a little longer than normal to dispatch your order. It is placed behind a partition and allows the drainage of the wastewater of an entire bathroom.

An item in excellent, new condition with no wear. The new Saniaccess range is designed to provide much easier access for servicing and maintenance. The item may include original accessories. SANIACCESS Suitable for one WC only.

Our autoclave sterilizer prevents handling and exposure of infectious waste. Our system offers total kill treatment efficacy. This small bore pump absorbs waste and water from a complete shower room, or a WC with ease, providing you a clean and hygienic bathroom.

Oferim solutii tuturor operatorilor din toate domeniile economice si nu numai, incercand si de cele mai multe ori reusind sa ne ridicam la nivelul colaboratorilor nostri asigurand o diversitate foarte mare si. Recycling and Garbage Collection in Eugene, Springfiel Creswell, Veneta, Lowell and the surrounding area—waste less and let us safely dispose of the rest! Serving and supporting the Eugene and Springfield communities for over years. We stock a huge range of Macerator Pumps suitable for any.


Adding a new shower, basin or toilet to the home increases the value, adds convenience and gives you another option for the needs of your guests and family. But adding new plumbing to a home can be a huge expense and a big inconvenience. Registered at Company’s House in the UK No. Buy online today for fast UK delivery. We apologise in advance if contacting us takes a little longer, but rest assured we will respond as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding. Add a shower cubicle, washbasin and toilet in a loft conversion or extension. All prices include VAT. The stylish way to add a washroom, shower unit or even a complete en suite shower room or bathroom in a basement or loft extension – or in any home improvement where conventional large bore pipework is impractical. We are domestic appliance specalists dealing only in white goods.


Sanipack : macerator pump for wall hung wc pans.


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