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I přes otevřenou a transparentní konstrukci radiátor překvapuje vysokými hodnotami výkonu a mnohým dalšíK dispozici jsou modely na výměnu pro připojení na stávající potrubí. Jednoduše možná jsou i speciální řešení. Téměř ve všech barvách a. Model : Height: Width: Tubes: OUTPUTΔT=60K. Striking elegance in vertical and horizontal form, single or double tube with made-to-measure options. Its elegant, open and transparent construction is supported by high performance and a lot more: Retrofit models are available for existing pipework.
KLH denotes single tube, KLHD is double tube. ZEHNDER Aura Towel Rail. Their products meet the growing trend for feature radiators as well as some of the old favourites such as multicolumn radiators and ladder style towel warmers.

It spreads heat in bathroom and also keeps your towels warm always. Products and Solutions. Explore our comprehensive portfolio of products and solutions Innovation through tradition and loyalty wit. European leaders in heating products with high quality standards that give optimum heat output and performance with great looks. A European market leader in radiator and heating design and innovation.
Trotz einer offenen und transparenten Bauweise überrascht der Heizkörper mit hohen Leistungswerten und vielem mehr: Austauschmodelle für vorhandene Anschlüsse sind verfügbar. Auch Sonderlösungen sind einfach möglich. Timeless and elegant, the impressive options in this range are durable to the core. Featuring stunning looks, the bathroom. Available in almost any colour and finish from the.

Elegant single tubed vertical radiator available in white and chrome and also made to measure options. Tema elegantset, avatud ja läbipaistvat konstruktsiooni toetavad silmapaistvad jõudluse näitajad. Veelgi enam, moderniseeritud mudeleid on saadaval olemasoleva torustikuga ühendamiseks. Võimalikud on erilahendused.
Software for mass downloading multiple models. Has a scratch to the bottom left side and a few hard to notice scratch on the front left side a few paint marks on the back. This has 20mm horizontal tubes. The Striking chromed steel radiator option is available vertical or horizontal with well-designe attractive accessories.

Range of accessories and chrome valves are available. You can make your choice form colours, including metallic shades. New Quadrant from Aqualux. Kleo Designer Radiators:.