Wilo star z nova

Wilo star z nova

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Wilo star z nova

Brass pump housing, noryl impeller, stainless steel shaft. Pompa do montażu na rurociągu, silnik synchroniczny odporny. Incl: instruction Voltage: 230V Would you like to receive Euro for your defective item? Разнообразие от циркулационни помпи, сондажни помпи, дренажни помпи от Помпен офис Варна.

Příkon pouhých až wattů. This circulator is suitable only for drinking water. Shop Everything you Need on eBay!

If you would like a quote on this product, add it to your quote list and send it. Pump for pipe installation, blocking-current proof synchronous motor with high starting torque. Funkcijų nustatymas ir paaiškinimas.

Rekomenduojami nustatymai. Рециркуляционный насос wilo star z nova обеспечивает поддержание температуры горячей воды в. SHK-TV begleitete den Einbau einer Trinkwarmwasser-Zirkulationspumpe von Wilo direkt vor Ort. But Did You Check eBay? It meets the requirements of the drinking water regulation and ensures optimal temperature control for the best hygiene conditions thanks to the integrated thermostat. Für den Betrieb der Brauchwasser Zirkulationsleitung.

Mit Kugelabsperrventil, Rückschlagventil, Zeitschaltuhr, Thermostat und thermischer Desinfektionserkennung. Zobacz inne Pompy obiegowe i cyrkulacyjne, najtańsze i najlepsze oferty, opinie. Domestic hot water circulation systems in industry and building services. Words to filter.

Filters are for this page only. Santehnika Sūkņi Cirkulācijas sūkņi apkurei. Piegāde no € Noliktavā: 3. Wilo cirkulācijas sūkņi Z - NOVA karstam ūdenim. Click on image to zoom.

Dimensions are given by way of illustration and do not commit Wilo SE liability. Our commercial department is at your disposal to give you the valid technical documents. A bemutatott termék megvásárolható szakáruházainkban és. Pou Princip funkceití Toto oběhové čerpadlo je vhodné pouze pro pit-nou vodu.

Der Pumpenrotorraum entl. Minima potenza assorbita. Girante in acciaio inossidabile a prova di corrosione.


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