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Save Money with eBay Deals. From Generators to Rugs to Bedding. Maintenance-free glandless circulator with screwed connection, blocking-current proof synchronous motor according to ECM technology and built-in electronic power control for variable differential pressure control.

At the leading edge of technology. SpeedComfort - The Smart a. Powerful central heating pump with high efficiency. Wilo Group 5views.

Single head pump with LED Watt meter, unique venting function and Δp-c or Δp-v.

Application All hot water heating systems, air-conditioning applications, industrial circulation systems. Datasheet Yonos PARA RS. Deze vloerverwarmingspomp heeft instelbare opvoerhoogte van tot meter en is per 5m instelbaar.

De circulatiepomp heeft een EEI (Energie Efficiëntie Index) van 20. Dit betekent dat de pomp ruim voldoet aan de ErP wet. Image shown for illustration purposes only. Repeat orders made simpl. Grundfos ALPHAL -- 1mm Čerpadlo pro topení.

Циркуляционный насос wilo - демонстрация работы. Купить насосы WILO в Челябинске - Duration: :01. The benchmark for the most efficient circulators is EEI ≤ 0. Please also observe the rating plate for the energy efficiency index. Applications include all hot water heating systems, air-conditioning applications, industrial circulation systems. A szivattyúban beépített nyomáskülönbség szabályozás található, valamint motorvédelem, mely gondoskodik a nagy hatásfokkal üzemelő ECM motor védelémről.

High energy performance is achieved through the proven EC motor technology and precise setting in 0. Central Heating Circulator.

Die alte Pumpe konnte wg. Der Austausch erwies sich als schwierig, da das Gewinde. Seite English Product Information 5. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel!

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Wartungsfreie Nassläufer-Umwälzpumpe mit Verschraubungsanschluss, blockierstromfester Synchronmotor nach ECM-Technologie und integrierter elektronischer Leistungsregelung zur stufenlosen Differenzdruckregelung. Can be used for all heating and air-conditioning applications. Control mode can be selected in accordance with the.

Versand In den Warenkorb 4€ 90. The PWM signal generator gives a.


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