Yonos para

Can be used for all heating, ventilation and air-conditioning applications. At the leading edge of technology. Glandless circulation pump with a cast iron pump housing and threaded connection. EC motor with automatic power adjustment and self-protecting modes.

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Operation by Red Knob technology Equipped with LED user interface. Datasheet Yonos PARA RS. High-efficiency pump (screw-end or flange-end pump), electronically controlled. Wilo Yonos Para Design.

Nominal connection diameter. Protection class IP X4D. Seite English Product Information 5. This underfloor heating pump can be used with both water underfloor heating and radiator systems. Due to new European ERP Directives, all pumps must now be of the high efficiency type, for solar thermal this means advanced speed control must be applie for this reason our new repla.

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Subscreva a nossa newsletter para receber todas as novidades. Li e concordo com os termos e condições e com a política de privacidade. Powerful central heating pump with high efficiency.

Single head pump with LED Watt meter, unique venting function and Δp-c or Δp-v. Verkorte gebruikershandleiding Yonos Para Vervolg uitleg symbolen Verschildruk variabel (Δp-v): De gewenste waarde voor de verschildruk wordt binnen het toegestane debietbereik lineair tussen ½H en H verhoogd. De door de pomp opgewekte verschildruk wordt geregeld op de ingestelde gewenste waarde voor de verschildruk.

Dit regelingstype wordt. CADprofi helps in designing architectural and mechanical projects, as well as plumbing and electrical installations. Image shown for illustration purposes only. Integrated Yonos PARA Pump housing Impeller Pump shaft Bearing Materials PP composite with GF Carbon, metal impregnated PA6.

Denna pump passar bland annat till följande pumpar: IVT Vent 202. They are well respected and well known by the trade for their power, reliability and. Free delivery for many products!

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ErP Intergas boiler models listed above. Please search Intergas part number XXXXXX for these boilers. WILO Para pompa kullanımında dikkat edilmesi gerekenler nelerdir?

En cas de mélanges de glycol, les données de transport. Heating circulation pump to suit the DATA HIU (1″ Connections). High Efficiency pump for heating application. Making the electrical connection The electrical connection may only be made by a quali-fied electrician.

Maximum back-up fuse: A, slow-blow. Prevalenza: mt Portata Max: 3. BRV Bonetti Rubinetterie Valduggia S.


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